Housing offers the community a unique and creative experience in building and sharing their homes within the community. In this gamemode, players have the freedom to design and customize their houses using various in-game tools and resources. What sets this feature apart is the integration of a web application known as the Script Editor, allowing players not only to construct their homes but also to collaborate with friends in real-time.
The Script Editor adds an extra layer of depth to the Housing gamemode, enabling players to create custom scripts that enhance the functionality and interactivity of their homes. This innovative tool empowers players to go beyond traditional building, letting them bring their houses to life with scripted events and dynamic elements. The collaborative aspect shines as players can invite their friends to join in the creative process, fostering a sense of community and shared accomplishment.
Overall, housing provides an immersive and collaborative platform where players can express their creativity, design unique homes, and use custom scripts to make their virtual spaces truly stand out. It creates a vibrant community where players can showcase their architectural and scripting skills while enjoying the collective creativity of the player base.
Meet Rick your house manager, he will facilitate your journey through the management of your houses.
What can Rick do?
Rick helps you manage your house, not only by giving you access to your house settings but also by providing items, blocks, armor, etc. He also has a way to toggle the scripts you created in case you want to make a script load only in a certain house. (Note that by default, all scripts are enabled on all of your houses)
How to use Rick
You can either click on the Rick's npc in the center of your house or use the /rick command.
The housing experience is gui based, however there is a list of command you must know to enjoy your experience.
Command | Description |
/socialmode | Toggle the social mode of the house you are currently at. |
/buildmode | Toggle the build mode of the house you are currently at. |
/spawn | Teleports you to the spawn of the house you are currently at. |
/setspawn | Set your house spawn at the place you are standing at. |
/house | Open the houses menu, where you can manage your own houses and browse through your friends and community houses. |
/editor | Create a script editor session. |
/rick | Remotely opens the Rick's menu. |
/location | Displays your relative location, needed for the script edition. |
/wand | Gives you a magic wand that allows you to select a region. |
/pos1 | Set the first point of your selection. |
/pos2 | Set the second point of your selection. |
/set <block> | Fills your selected region with a certain type of block. |
/air | Remove all blocks in your selected region. |
/fill <block> | Fill all empty blocks in your selected region. |
/cut | Cut your selected region. |
/copy | Copies your selected region. |
/paste | Paste your last copied or cut region. |
/replace <to_replace> <replacement> | Replaces a certain type of block by another one. |
/undo | Undoes the latest changes you made. |
/redo | Redoes the last /undo command you made. |
/rotate <x-rotation> <y-rotation> <z-rotation> | Rotate your selection around x, y and z axis. |
/moverick | Moves Rick to your current position. |
/getblock | Get the block you are looking at. |
/furniture | Opens the furniture menu. |
/blocks | Open the blocks menu. |
/members | Open members management menu. |
/biomes | Open the biomes menu. |
/home | Teleports you to the last house you were in. (Works only for your houses and the houses you're a member) |
Scripts Editor
The script editor provides a codeless experience to create scripts and quests to enhance your houses.
Create a session
Creating an editor session is the first step you need to go through before creating or editing your scripts. In order to get a fresh session, execute /editor in housing. Rick will give you a link to the editor after a few seconds.
We know creating a script from scratch for the first time can be really tricky, so to help you, we made 5 different templates that you can use as a reference to make your own scripts. See the section below to learn how to create your first script and how to use a template.
Create your first script
Once you click the link Rick gave you, you will have the following modal popping up:
The first step is to choose a name for your script and type it in the modal,
then click on the “Next” button.
Script name can only contains letters, dashes and underscores.
The second and final step is to choose a template to start with, click on your preferred template, and click on the “Create” button.
You're done! You can start editing your script and creating an awesome experience for the community.
Toggle scripts
Rick can help you with script management in-game. In order to toggle your scripts on each of your houses, open Rick's menu and go to the “Scripts” submenu.
You can toggle each script by clicking on the “On” and “Off” buttons. If you have more than six scripts, you can scroll by clicking on the top and bottom arrows.
Delete a script
Deleting a script is really easy, you just need to click on the “Delete” button at the right of the top bar and wait a few seconds.