
Honey Tree Guide

Honey Trees are a special tree you will find in various places of each generation. After speaking with NPC Honey at one of her shops you will have the ability to purchase honey and use it on these trees. Using honey on a Honey Tree will cause additional wild Pokemon to spawn in the area for 10 minutes. The Pokemon that spawn from Honey Trees may be different from what normally spawns there, and may contain extremely rare Pokemon or regional variants. Pokemon that spawn from Honey Trees also have a chance to spawn with their hidden ability. The chance of a Pokemon spawning with its hidden ability is doubled if it is raining in the area, rain may also cause rare Pokemon to spawn that can't be found in the wild anywhere else.

Honey Tree

Honey's Shop

  • Pokemon with a * by their name can only spawn if it is raining in the area.
  • Pokemon with a ** by their name can only spawn if it is not raining in the area.
  • The Pokemon ability Honey Gather can help you get free honey.

Aether Village Tree

Amber City Tree

Coast City Tree

Foretree Village Tree

Smog City Tree

Altus City Tree

Dracaena Tree

Draco Valley Tree

Filora Town Tree

Scarlett Island Tree

Treetop Village Tree

Waitomo Tree

Misery Marsh Tree

??? Island Tree

Searing Peak Tree


Voltage Park Tree

Wavemeet Bay Tree

Circuit City Tree

Frostfort Tree

Hearth Valley Tree

Marshbarrow Tree

Stronghaven Tree

Woodburn Tree

Baremaw Tree

Bridgerun Tree

Everhallow / Greenholm / Watterson City

Findale Tree

Pure Harbor Tree

Redgrove Tree

  • pokeworld-honey.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/02/27 02:24
  • by pokefind