Iconic Pokemon Trainers
Iconic Trainers are some of the strongest Pokemon Trainers you can find in Pokeworld. They spawn randomly every 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours on each generation and consist of trainers from the Pokemon games, anime and manga. They use full teams of 6 lvl100s that consist of randomly selected Pokemon from a list of all Pokemon in their final evolution that the trainer had access to in all iterations of Pokemon up to the generation they spawn in. The exception to this is Shadow Iconic Trainers, which use only Shadow Pokemon of lvl105 to 125, randomly selected from a list of Pokemon from that generation.
Additional Information:
- No Legendary Pokemon.
- No Shadow Pokemon.
- No Anniversary Pokemon.
- No Duplicate Species.
- You may only attempt to fight an Iconic Trainer once per spawn per player.
- Regular Iconic Trainers give +25% xp from defeated Pokemon.
- Shadow Iconic Trainers give +50% xp from defeated Pokemon.
- Some Pokemon have multiple move sets they can use.
Iconic Trainers can give a lot of different rewards ranging from coins all the way to eggs when defeated. You can have more than one drop table occur at a time.
- 100% chance of 25k coins. 50k coins if Shadow Iconic Trainer.
- 33% chance of 40k coins instead. 75k coins if Shadow Iconic Trainer.
- 100% chance of 5 tokens. 15 tokens if Shadow Iconic Trainer.
- 33% chance of 10 tokens instead. 25 tokens if Shadow Iconic Trainer.
- 100% chance of 5 bp. 15 bp if Shadow Iconic Trainer.
- 33% chance of 10 bp. 25 bp if Shadow Iconic Trainer.
100% chance of one of the following:
Item | Rarity |
Sitrus Berry | Very Common |
Focus Sash | Very Common |
Cell Battery | Common |
Absorb Bulb | Common |
Air Balloon | Common |
Mental Herb | Uncommon |
White Herb | Uncommon |
Power Herb | Uncommon |
15% chance of one of the following. 33% chance if Shadow Iconic Trainer.
- All equal chances.
Item |
Fire Stone |
Leaf Stone |
Thunder Stone |
Moon Stone |
Water Stone |
Sun Stone |
Ice Stone |
Metal Coat |
Kings Rock |
Dawn Stone |
Dusk Stone |
Shiny Stone |
Oval Stone |
5% chance of one of the following. 10% chance if Shadow Iconic Trainer.
Item | Rarity |
Master Ball x3 | Very Common |
Rare Candy x3 | Very Common |
PP Up | Very Common |
Deep Sea Tooth | Very Common |
Deep Sea Scale | Very Common |
Reaper Cloth | Very Common |
Prism Scale | Very Common |
Dragon Scale | Very Common |
Up-Grade | Very Common |
Protector | Very Common |
Dubious-Disc | Common |
Electirizer | Common |
Magmarizer | Common |
Razor Fang | Uncommon |
Razor Claw | Uncommon |
2.5% chance of one of the following. 5% chance if Shadow Iconic Trainer.
- Generation of egg depends on the generation the Iconic Trainer spawned in.
- * = Can only drop if a Shadow Iconic Trainer was defeated
Item | Rarity |
Ability Capsule | Very Common |
Max PP | Very Common |
Rare Egg | Common |
Epic Egg | Uncommon |
Shiny Egg | Rare |
Shiny Charm | Very Rare |
Shadow Egg* | Very Rare |
Gen 1
- 310, 105, -103 | Battle City Champions Arena.
- -611, 112, 685 | Spawn, on a hill near the marketplace.
Potential Pokemon: |
Pikachu |
Pidgeot |
Venusaur |
Blastoise |
Kingler |
Primeape |
Tauros |
Butterfree |
Charizard |
Snorlax |
Muk |
Lapras |
- 296, 105, -103 | Battle City Champions Arena.
- 686, 70, 811 | Aura Village, next to Battle Girl Leslie.
Potential Pokemon: |
Exeggutor |
Alakazam |
Blastoise |
Venusaur |
Arcanine |
Machamp |
Rhydon |
Golem |
Nidoking |
Dodrio |
Gyarados |
Pidgeot |
- -1106, 143, -439 | Petra City, next to the Petra Mines Pokestop.
- -844, 116, -451 | In the cave between Petra and Amber.
Potential Pokemon: |
Golem |
Onix |
Kabutops |
Chansey |
Ninetales |
Tauros |
Jynx |
Golbat |
Magneton |
- -591, 89, 696 | At Spawn in the marketplace.
- 95, 65, 599 | On the deserted island east of Spawn.
Potential Pokemon: |
Wigglytuff |
Alakazam |
Zapdos |
Articuno |
Moltres |
Gengar |
Ninetales |
Blastoise |
Ditto |
Nidoqueen |
Clefable |
- 806, 82, 278 | North west pathway of Amp City.
- 1359, 67, -362 | Smog City, house next to the Honey Tree.
Potential Pokemon: |
Weezing |
Poliwrath |
Arcanine |
Kingler |
Sandslash |
Vileplume |
Victreebel |
Gyarados |
- -277, 226, -629 | Amber City Volcano Cafe.
- 799, 90, -46 | Chromium City, outside of the player gym.
Potential Pokemon: |
Arbok |
Rhydon |
Lickitung |
Nidoking |
Gyarados |
Victreebel |
Magneton |
Machamp |
- 733, 83, -627 | Behind Wyvern Village along a hidden pathway.
- 975, 85, -614 | At the eastern entrance of Wyvern Village.
Potential Pokemon |
Gyarados |
Kangaskhan |
Alolan Exeggutor |
Lapras |
Dragonite |
Aerodactyl |
Charizard |
- Michael uses shadow Pokemon that are above level 100.
- -457, 85, 1277 | House in Aether Village, near Ace Trainer Robbie.
Potential Pokemon: |
Nidoking |
Venusaur |
Omastar |
Aerodactyl |
Chansey |
Snorlax |
Dragonite |
Moltres |
Articuno |
Zapdos |
Mewtwo |
- 1506, 63, 758 | South eastern tip of Coast City beach.
- -1269, 97, -41 | At the top of Falls Lagoon waterfall.
Potential Pokemon: |
Starmie |
Vaporeon |
Golduck |
Dewgong |
Gyarados |
Omastar |
Cloyster |
Blastoise |
Kingler |
- 214, 242, -399 | At the top of Snowtip Mountain.
- -333, 216, -545 | Amber City player gym.
Potential Pokemon: |
Pikachu |
Gengar |
Snorlax |
Lapras |
Charizard |
Mewtwo |
Venusaur |
Blastoise |
Machamp |
Arcanine |
Aerodactyl |
Articuno |
Ditto |
- 1037, 63, -1035 | Small beach in north east Mystical Keep.
- 1426, 101, -60 | Middle floor of Amethyst Town Tower.
Potential Pokemon: |
Alakazam |
Hypno |
Mr. Mime |
Slowbro |
Venomoth |
Exeggutor |
Wigglytuff |
Mewtwo |
Jynx |
Gen 2
- -1162, 101, 737 | Waitomo Battle Arena.
- -864, 86, 633 | Outside Regar City Player Gym.
Potential Pokemon: |
Pikachu |
Meganium |
Heracross |
Noctowl |
Donphan |
Typhlosion |
Feraligatr |
Tyranitar |
Pidgeot |
Venusaur |
Blastoise |
Kingler |
Primeape |
Tauros |
Butterfree |
Charizard |
Snorlax |
Muk |
Lapras |
- Cipher uses Shadow Pokemon that are above level 100.
- 114, 80, 1418 | Next to the lighthouse in Fog City.
- 382, 76, -724 | Outside the purification Lab in Sundye City.
Potential Pokemon: |
Tyranitar |
Feraligatr |
Arcanine |
Rhydon |
Umbreon |
Espeon |
Heracross |
Scizor |
Omastar |
Blissey |
Typhlosion |
Lugia |
- 95, 71, -162 | Misty Lake down by the pond between the two houses.
- -851, 121, -115 | Safari Zone, north east corner under a tree near the lake.
Potential Pokemon: |
Meganium |
Jynx |
Parasect |
Xatu |
Rapidash |
Alakazam |
Shuckle |
Ditto |
Starmie |
Blissey |
Tyranitar |
Arcanine |
Hitmonchan |
Suicune |
- -275, 79, -174 | House on the path between Eerie and Rosolite.
- -575, 74, -763 | Small Island With Nothing Pokestop near Scarlet Island
Potential Pokemon |
Umbreon |
Tyranitar |
Scizor |
Houndoom |
Skarmory |
Kingdra |
Noctowl |
Blastoise |
Arcanine |
Alakazam |
Golem |
Nidoking |
Dodrio |
- 1015, 70, 555 | On a small beach behind the Funley Target Practice buiilding.
- 882, 78, -473 | Snowicks Ice Arena, next to Veteran Sally.
Potential Pokemon: |
Typhlosion |
Sudowoodo |
Mantine |
Sunflora |
Politoed |
Togetic |
Raikou |
Raichu |
Vileplume |
Ursaring |
Blissey |
- 709, 79, 713 | Outside Professor Hemlocks Lab in Findley.
- -106, 68, 977 | At the Filora Breeding Center.
Potential Pokemon: |
Weezing |
Poliwrath |
Arcanine |
Kingler |
Sandslash |
Vileplume |
Victreebel |
Gyarados |
Tyranitar |
Crobat |
Slowking |
Houndoom |
- 190, 68, -581 | Inside Sundye Cities lighthouse
- -500, 74, 410 | Outside Cruxirt Ports lighthouse.
Potential Pokemon: |
Skarmory |
Ampharos |
Steelix |
Togetic |
Forretress |
Magneton |
Scizor |
Stantler |
- 139, 86, 1257 | Fog City Casino second floor.
- -528, 66, 485 | Cruxirt Port Docks loading area.
Potential Pokemon: |
Arbok |
Rhydon |
Lickitung |
Nidoking |
Gyarados |
Victreebel |
Magneton |
Machamp |
Skarmory |
Wobbuffet |
- -755, 97, -319 | Next to the map in Draco Valley.
- 957, 80, 449 | Small cave in Mt. Iron.
Potential Pokemon: |
Feraligatr |
Crobat |
Gyarados |
Sneasel |
Murkrow |
Ursaring |
Rhydon |
Tyranitar |
Entei |
Politoed |
Kingdra |
Granbull |
- 107, 92, 64 | On the wall in Hollow Village.
- 363, 69, -599 | In the park at Sundye City, under the tree.
Potential Pokemon: |
Donphan |
Tauros |
Clefable |
Ursaring |
Miltank |
Wigglytuff |
Ditto |
Smeargle |
Nidoqueen |
Blissey |
Gen 3
- 1549, 23, -316 | Kinetic Island on the beach near the cave.
- 1382, 22, -156 | Origin Island at the cave entrance.
Potential Pokemon |
Mightyena |
Walrein |
Muk |
Sharpedo |
Crobat |
Kyogre |
Tentacruel |
Cloyster |
Huntail |
Whiscash |
Lanturn |
- 1425, 82, 775 | Victor Island at the top of the stairs.
- -153, 29, 506 | At spawn in front of the big stage.
Potential Pokemon: |
Pikachu |
Meganium |
Heracross |
Noctowl |
Donphan |
Typhlosion |
Feraligatr |
Tyranitar |
Pidgeot |
Venusaur |
Blastoise |
Kingler |
Primeape |
Tauros |
Butterfree |
Charizard |
Snorlax |
Muk |
Lapras |
Swellow |
Sceptile |
Crawdaunt |
Torkoal |
Glalie |
- -601, 98, -435 | Misty Falls outside the cable car.
- 1146, 21, -512 | Loadstar Port beach on the way to the docks.
Potential Pokemon: |
Sceptile |
Dusclops |
Metagross |
Cradily |
Shedinja |
Slaking |
Latios |
Latias |
Snorlax |
Mr. Mime |
Alakazam |
Blissey |
Gardevoir |
- Giovanni uses Shadow Pokemon above level 100.
- 1036, 44, 672 | Team Rocket Shadow HQ Entrance
- 764, 54, -542 | Lucille's Casino
Potential Pokemon: |
Aggron |
Manectric |
Breloom |
Slaking |
Metagross |
Rayquaza |
Milotic |
Absol |
Flygon |
Medicham |
Gardevoir |
- 1764, 37, 153 | Occult Island next to the green market stall.
- 1568, 14, -388 | Kinetic Island inside the cave next to the pond.
Potential Pokemon: |
Weezing |
Poliwrath |
Arcanine |
Kingler |
Sandslash |
Vileplume |
Victreebel |
Gyarados |
Tyranitar |
Crobat |
Slowking |
Houndoom |
Dusclops |
Armaldo |
Slaking |
Cacturne |
- -963, 28, 447 | The other side of Maya Cave, next to the “I Hope You Brought A Torch” Pokestop.
- 5, 40, 141 | Ivy Village at the end of the raised walkway leading out of the village.
Potential Pokemon |
Arbok |
Rhydon |
Lickitung |
Nidoking |
Gyarados |
Victreebel |
Magneton |
Machamp |
Skarmory |
Wobbuffet |
Mawile |
Dusclops |
Sharpedo |
Seviper |
- -644, 213, -552 | Top of the Volcano, at the “Top Of The World” Pokestop.
- 1391, 22, -156 | Origin Island at the cave entrance.
Potential Pokemon: |
Camerupt |
Swellow |
Houndoom |
Crobat |
Weezing |
Groudon |
Salamence |
Sandslash |
Banette |
Magcargo |
- -708, 52, -414 | Misty Falls, halfway up the second waterfall.
- -189, 40, -341 | Outside Voltage Park at the lake.
Potential Pokemon: |
Swampert |
Delcatty |
Gardevoir |
Mightyena |
Milotic |
Castform |
Rayquaza |
Vileplume |
Celebi |
Sceptile |
- -1221, 45, -168 | Lanturn's Way between Stoneridge and Safari Zone.
- 1419, 22, -358 | Kinetic Island on the beach behind the market stalls.
Potential Pokemon: |
Blaziken |
Aggron |
Tropius |
Donphan |
Wailord |
Grumpig |
Gallade |
Relicanth |
Manectric |
Steven Stone
- -242, 40, -472 | Ironview near Pilot Floy.
- -768, 43, 693 | Arc City next to the Pokemon Center.
Potential Pokemon: |
Skarmory |
Claydol |
Armaldo |
Cradily |
Metagross |
Aggron |
Aerodactyl |
Blaziken |
Swampert |
Gen 4
- 1526, 33, 691 | At the Pokemon League, in front of Cletus.
- 1510, 134, 1119 | At the abandoned battle arena island.
Potential Pokemon: |
Pikachu |
Meganium |
Heracross |
Noctowl |
Donphan |
Typhlosion |
Feraligatr |
Tyranitar |
Pidgeot |
Venusaur |
Blastoise |
Kingler |
Primeape |
Tauros |
Butterfree |
Charizard |
Snorlax |
Muk |
Lapras |
Swellow |
Sceptile |
Crawdaunt |
Torkoal |
Glalie |
Lucario |
Staraptor |
Gliscor |
Infernape |
Garchomp |
- 339, 63, 846 | Woodburn, in front of the mansion.
- 549, 24, -352 | On the docks at Seabrooke.
Potential Pokemon: |
Skarmory |
Staraptor |
Empoleon |
Hitmonlee |
Roserade |
Heracross |
Snorlax |
Infernape |
Rapidash |
Torterra |
- 1445, 25, 722 | On the docks at the Pokemon League.
- 1437, 133, 1133 | In the square on the abandoned battle arena island.
Potential Pokemon: |
Roserade |
Lucario |
Milotic |
Garchomp |
Spiritomb |
Togekiss |
Gastrodon |
Porygon-Z |
Glaceon |
- Cyrus uses Shadow Pokemon above level 100.
- -1642, 30, 400 | Shadow HQ Entrance.
- -587, 51, 686 | Duskburn, next to Veteran Freya
Potential Pokemon: |
Arceus |
Spiritomb |
Staraptor |
Gastrodon |
Garchomp |
Porygon-Z |
Weavile |
Togekiss |
Tangrowth |
Gliscor |
Rhyperior |
- 603, 36, -291 | Seabrooke at a house next to the Seabrooke Gym Pokestop.
- 871, 29, 850 | Spawn, end of the gray walkway near the docks by the last house.
Potential Pokemon: |
Mamoswine |
Typhlosion |
Lopunny |
Empoleon |
Ambipom |
Togekiss |
Milotic |
Magmortar |
Froslass |
Clefable |
Tangrowth |
Crobat |
- 813, 59, 904 | Upper area of spawn behind the most north western house.
- 208, 107, 498 | Crystal View battle arena.
Potential Pokemon: |
Snorlax |
Torterra |
Bastiodon |
Lickilicky |
Mamoswine |
Regigigas |
Rotom |
Palkia |
Chatot |
- 1273, 23, 188 | On the eastern beach in Marshbarrow.
- 886, 72, 202 | At the Marshbarrow Swamp Honey Tree.
Potential Pokemon: |
Weezing |
Poliwrath |
Arcanine |
Kingler |
Sandslash |
Vileplume |
Victreebel |
Gyarados |
Tyranitar |
Crobat |
Slowking |
Houndoom |
Dusclops |
Armaldo |
Slaking |
Cacturne |
Drapion |
- -1647, 27, 301 | Shadow HQ docks.
- -717, 23, 686 | Duskburn underground battle arena.
Potential Pokemon |
Arbok |
Rhydon |
Lickitung |
Nidoking |
Gyarados |
Victreebel |
Magneton |
Machamp |
Skarmory |
Wobbuffet |
Mawile |
Dusclops |
Sharpedo |
Seviper |
Yanmega |
Magnezone |
Dusknoir |
- -1181, 26, 86 | Hearth Valley docks.
- 1474, 23, 727 | Pokemon League near the docks.
Potential Pokemon: |
Torterra |
Aggron |
Weavile |
Magmortar |
Nidoking |
Gastrodon |
Electivire |
Ninjask |
Drapion |
Gliscor |
Gen 5
- 97, 55, -216 | At the Pokemon League, facing the interior of the building
- 522, 68, -8 | Spiritvale, inside of the graveyard near the Badge Gym
Potential Pokemon: |
Accelgor |
Bouffalant |
Reuniclus |
Conkeldurr |
Chandelure |
Volcarona |
Escavalier |
Vanilluxe |
Krookodile |
Braviary |
Druddigon |
- 646, 49, 370 | Findale Harbor, at the battle arena near Professor Hemlock's Lab
- 387, 45, 163 | Spiritvale, on the docks near Sailor Diane
Potential Pokemon: |
Stoutland |
Chandelure |
Mienshao |
Musharna |
Haxorus |
Serperior |
Samurott |
Emboar |
Simisage |
Liepard |
- 1028, 46, 222 | Breezelton, underneath the Windmill leading to Bridgerun
- 636, 49, 358 | Findale Harbor, at the battle arena near Professor Hemlock's Lab
Potential Pokemon: |
Unfezant |
Gigalith |
Stoutland |
Watchog |
Cinccino |
Haxorus |
Simipour |
Zangoose |
Bisharp |
Bouffalant |
Porygon-Z |
Lickilicky |
Beartic |
- 456, 55, 573 | Findale Harbor, in front of the Player Gym
- -337, 57, -128 | Greenholm, next to Lass Yaz
Potential Pokemon: |
Jumpluff |
Serperior |
Stoutland |
Lilligant |
Stunfisk |
Crustle |
Terrakion |
Simisage |
Maractus |
Whimsicott |
Ferrothorn |
- 1078, 77 -485 | Pure Harbor, in the building leading to the Badge Gym
- -1, 52, 336 | Watterson, in the Player Gym
Potential Pokemon: |
Magnezone |
Klinklang |
Genesect |
Rotom-Wash |
Thundurus |
Metagross |
Reshiram |
Gardevoir |
Conkeldurr |
Golurk |
Dragonite |
Porygon-Z |
Alolan Muk |
- -5, 38, -37 | Everhallow, inside of the Badge Gym
- -1109, 48, 228 | Sandgate, in front of one of the smaller pyramids
Potential Pokemon: |
Cofagrigus |
Reshiram |
Eelektross |
Zekrom |
Hydreigon |
Kyurem |
Bouffalant |
Seismitoad |
Bisharp |
Toxicroak |
Drapion |
Volcarona |
- -400, 60, -90 | Greenholm, on a hill between the entrance and the Pokemon Center/Pokemart
- 1034, 68, -530 | Pure Harbor, near a swirling bit of psychic energy
Potential Pokemon: |
Carracosta |
Vanilluxe |
Klinklang |
Archeops |
Zoroark |
Zekrom |
Reshiram |
Darmanitan |
Krookodile |
Conkeldurr |
Seismitoad |
Scrafty |
- 1086, 46, 256 | Breezelton, inside the Badge Gym
- 842, 67, -683 | Pure Harbor, on the bridge leading to Northrun
Potential Pokemon |
Swanna |
Swoobat |
Jumpluff |
Unfezant |
Archeops |
Braviary |
Mandibuzz |
Drifblim |
Sigilyph |
Skarmory |
- -593, 48, -312 | Baremaw, in one of the gardens
- -823, 77, 715 | Redgrove, near a large pool of lava
Potential Pokemon: |
Scolipede |
Weezing |
Muk |
Garbodor |
Seviper |
Crobat |
Drapion |
Amoonguss |
Toxicroak |