Survival Useful Commands Guide
Below is a list of all commands available to players on Survival.
- <fc #00ff00>Green Highlight</fc> = Pro+ rank only.
- <fc #00ffff>Blue Highlight</fc> = Expert+ rank only
- <fc #ffe940>Gold Highlight</fc> = Elite+ rank only
- <fc #eff233>Yellow Highlight</fc> = Champ+ rank only
- <fc #800080>Purple Highlight</fc> = Legend rank only
Command | Description |
/achievements | Brings up the Achievements menu. |
/attributes | Brings up the Attributes menu. |
<fc #800080>/back</fc> | <fc #800080>Takes you back to your last location.</fc> |
/berryinfo | Displays a link with information about berries. |
/buy | Provides a link to the online store. |
/challenges | Brings up the challenge menu. |
/coins | Displays your current coins, tokens and battle points. |
/colorcodes | Displays the available Minecraft color codes you can use. |
/compass | Displays the direction you are facing. |
<fc #ffe940>/craft</fc> | <fc #ffe940>Brings up a workbench.</fc> |
/deletehome | Deletes your home. |
<fc #eff233>/ec</fc> | <fc #eff233>Opens your enderchest.</fc> |
/evo | Brings up the Evolution Items menu. |
<fc #00ff00>/evs</fc> | <fc #00ff00>Displays your Pokemon's EV values.</fc> |
<fc #ffe940>/feed</fc> | <fc #ffe940>Restores your hunger.</fc> |
/group | Brings up the Group menu. |
<fc #00ff00>/happiness</fc> | <fc #00ff00>Displays your Pokemon's happiness rating.</fc> |
/help | Brings up an ingame list of commands. |
/hub | Sends you to the hub. |
/hype | Hypes the server. |
/ignore (player name) | Ignore a players messages. |
/incubator | Brings up the incubator menu. |
<fc #00ff00>/ivs</fc> | <fc #00ff00>Displays your Pokemon's IV values.</fc> |
<fc #00ff00>/kit</fc> | <fc #00ff00>Gives you some items depending on your rank.</fc> |
/level | Displays your trainer level. |
/list | Displays a text list of online players. |
/lobby | Sends you to the Lobby. |
/moves | Rearrange the order of your Pokemon's moves. |
/msg (player name) (message) | Send a private message to a player. |
<fc #00ff00>/nickpoke (name)</fc> | <fc #00ff00>Allows you to nickname your Pokemon. Accepts Minecraft color/font codes.</fc> |
/originaltrainer | Check who originally owned the Pokemon. |
<fc #00ff00>/pc</fc> | <fc #00ff00>Brings up your PC menu.</fc> |
<fc #00ffff>/pheal</fc> | <fc #00ffff>Fully heals all of the Pokemon in your party.</fc> |
/ping | Check your ping. |
/poi | Brings up the point of interest menu. |
/pokedex | Brings up the Pokedex menu. |
/pokegear | Brings up the Pokegear menu. |
/quests | Brings up the quest menu. |
/recipes | Brings up the custom recipe menu. |
/report (player name) (reason) | Reports a player to all online staff. |
/rules | Displays the server rules. |
/sethome | Sets your home location. |
/settings | Brings up the settings menu. |
/spawn | Sends you to spawn. |
/stack | Stack all items in your inventory if they are able to. |
/syncdiscord | Syncs your account to the Pokefind Discord server. |
/toggleparty | Toggles whether your Pokemon show in the hotbar. |
/tpa (player name) | Send a teleport request to the player. |
/unignore (player name) | Remove a player from your ignored list. |
/vote | Brings up the voting menu. |
/wild | Teleports you somewhere random in the world. |